Wednesday, 7 September 2016

My Book Record

I accidentally reread Anna Karennina one day. I was some way through the book and thought this is getting very familiar. Have I read this before? I remember I had a copy as a child and I don't know if I read it. 

I like rereading books. Sorry I love rereading books but not by accident.

So the idea of writing what books I've read down seemed like a good idea. I've done it before. I made lists of series of books and ticked them off, lists that spent their time hidden between books on my bookcase to get forgotten about. I forget to cross them off! (Really it's terrible how bad my nemory is. I'm in my 20s!)

This is the notebook I eventually decided on: a gorgeous Paperblanks notebook featuring the manuscript of one of the books I love to reread. Jane Eyre. Expensive but lovely and will last me years....
I know we have internet and goodreads has a 

list of books. But  only this year I organised my goodreads -I forgot to use it! 

This is my book journal/record. I write down the date I start and finished a book and if I enjoyed it or not. This will help me to check if I've read a book and I can look back and see how much I enjoyed (or didn't) a specific book

Moved to Wordpress

Hi! I'm moving this blog to Wordpress, my new blog can be found here: Most blogs I follow on o...