Book Challenge 2017

Inspired by a thread from a forum I love: I have decided to have a go at this challenge this year. I will update as I add books. Can you suggest anything for me to add to the list? I'm hoping to add books on my to be read list or books I feel like reading throughout the year- plans don't work for me! But I'd love to find a gem that I haven't heard of or considered reading before. I'll end up buying a book just to fulfil this challenge.......

1         A book with more than 500 pages American Gods by Neil Gaiman (my copy has more than 500 pages it's an extended edition)

2          A love story

3          A book that became a movie or TV programme-Jeremy Poldark by Winstone Graham

4          A book published in 2017- The Shadow Land by Elizabeth Kostova 😄

5          A book with a number in the title: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien

6          A book with a wartime theme

7          A book with more than one narrator The Muse by Jesse Burton

8          A funny book

9          A book with food or drink in the title- 3 quarters of the orange by Joanne Harris

10        A mystery or thriller Did You See Melody by Sophie Hannah

11        A book written under a pseudonym

12        A book of short stories- Life compiled by Victoria Hislop

13        A book set in a different country Master of Shadows by Neil Oliver

14        A book with a long title (ie 5 words or more) Summer at little beach street bakey by Jenny Colgan

15        A book where one of the main characters is royalty

16        A prize-winning book To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

17        A book based on a true story The Diary of Anne Frank

18        A book set in one of the Nordic countries

19        A book that has an alliterative title- Assasin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb

20        A book you can finish in a day Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen

21        A book you’ve owned for over 2 years but haven’t read until now

22        A book from the library- Catcher in the rye

23        A book with a colour in the title The Black House by Peter May

24        A book with a “family member” in the title (aunt, sister, father etc) My                  Cousin Rachel by Daphne Du Maurier

25        A book by an author from the Southern Hemisphere

26        A book by an author you’ve never read before- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

27        A book originally written in a different language

28        A book set during Christmas Christmas at Little Beach Street by Jenny Colgan

29        A book with a non-human character Borne by Jeff Vandermeer

30        A book written by two authors

31        A book with a place name in the title Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan

32        A book with a green cover The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the ring

33        A book you bought brand new- foxlowe by Eleanor Fassenberg

34        A book with a person’s name in the title- Warleggan by Winston Graham

35        A book which is part of a trilogy- Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

36        A book which was a gift Dragon's Green by Scarlett Thomas

37        A book set in the past (ie over 200 years ago)- Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

38        A book with a water-associated word in the title Seas of Snow by Kerensa Jennings

39        A book with a character you hated The Cleansing By Sam Kates

40        A book about a journey The lord of the rings: The return of the king


  1. Have you tried The Chaos Walking Trilogy by Patrick Ness? Have a look at the reviews on Amazon. Also by Patrick Ness a YA read which I liked a lot: More Than This.
    I am janetandjohn on RISI!

  2. Hiâ˜ș I'll take a look. The name's familiar but haven't read anything. Thanks.


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