Sunday, 16 July 2017

Post-holiday blues

Can't believe it's been over a week since I came home from my holiday in Cornwall. Something about having an amazing holiday makes you reevaluate everything when you get home and back to reality. And inevitably makes you feel down. Makes you remember all the negative things you can't change but want to. I keep meaning to finish my book 'Poldark's Cornwall' by Winston Graham and review it on here but I keep putting it off as I miss my holiday.

I am fortunate really as some can't afford a holiday, although I know there are some who have more than one a year (rich! or not restricting job) I am fortunate to be able to go even if it is only once a year. I remember one year we didn't go away and then we went away in the September the following year. I hated it, being used to always having at least one holiday a year since I was a child-my parents using all their spare money to afford holidays- it's hard going when you don't have one.
So that year I hunted for some books to make me feel like I was on holiday. And for all those who can't afford a holiday books are the perfect escape.

I read this book that year and loved it. It's a memoir of a man who left the UK to start a new life in Andalucia, I still haven't read the other books in the series and I must because I enjoyed this one. I remember that I felt like I was there reading this book and loved the characters.

Here's some other books that might make you feel better or whisk you away:

I read The Mists of Avalon years ago and loved the world and the re imagining of the King Arthur story, it's a lovely story a perfect fantasy. Assasin's Apprentice I haven't got around to reading yet but I loved another book I read by Robin Hobb, the fantasy world is great with believable and loveable characters. Of course there are so many others to read: The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter are great books to whisk you away.

Read a book set somewhere else:
Sorry I love this series and the books. There are many books set in Cornwall, Daphne De Maurier, you may know?, wrote gothic novels set in Cornwall. I loved Rebecca of course but Jamaica Inn was a good read, you have to ignorethat it's not historical fact about the wreckers though (Winston Graham mentions this in his Poldarks' Cornwall book). I also loved reading Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan (my review is here: which was about a woman who moves to an island in Cornwall, one of those books about people who up sticks and leave it all behind. There's probably a lot of other books set in different places but I've got Cornwall on the brain, sorry.

 And there's A Room with a View, I don't know whether this is classed as a love story but it's lovely. You got the scenes in Italy and the compelling characters and ideas, full of metaphor really. I can't help but love it despite studying it at school(you tear the book apart it's dreadful!).

So there you go. There's definitely more that's all I could think of on this spur of the moment post. I will get my review finished asap of this book:

I just need to stop brooding and get on with it. (Brooding, hmmm, hope that's the right word there, post-holiday blues). Maybe I might read a book to get over the blues? There is actually a book out there that prescribes books to various ailments, I haven't bought it yet, (I sent an email to have a personal remedy but they never got back to me so I didn't bother 😟 ) but I like the idea. Books can uplift you, make you think, make you feel and make you happy.
And they are the perfect escape from the humdrum of our lives and the problems of society.
Happy Reading!


  1. I've heard such great things about Robin Hobb's books and hope I will get to them one day! Hopefully you'll enjoy the Assassin's Apprentice!

    1. I probably will. I've read one book but it was later on in the characters life who was introduced in this book. If that makes sense


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