Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Review of Dragon's Green by Scarlett Thomas

Name:  Dragon's Green
Author: Scarlett Thomas

Type of Book:  Hardback

Genre: Children's/fantasy

My Review

I had this book from a one-off Ninja Book Box (if you've not heard of it take a look at my unboxing also on my blog here:http://jensbookworm.blogspot.co.uk/2017/05/unboxing-ninja-book-box.html) so I had no idea what book I was getting but I wasn't disappointed. It's a charming story about a little girl discovering the world of magic. 

Effie discovers the magical world after the death of her Grandfather. I loved the magical world in this book and the idea of magic, it's different to anything I've read. When Effie's grandfather dies he leaves her magical objects and a library of books. The books are sold and the story follows Effie's journey to get the books back and also her first steps into the world of magic. It's an enthralling and interesting read. A charming book which will appeal to fellow bookworms because in this world books are powerful and it is indeed possible to get lost in them. 

I could not stop reading this book and I will definitely be keeping a look out for the next one in this series called 'Worldquake Sequence'. I loved the style of the writing and the humour and the way everything comes together in the story. Each character is individual and there are plenty of mysteries still to be unfolded in the next book, one such mystery is what happened to Effie's mother. 

Although this is a children's book it is not childish in anyway and will definitely appeal to adults and for anyone who loves reading books about books.  

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