Monday, 14 August 2017

Summer at Little Beach Street Bakery by Jenny Colgan

Title: Summer at Little Beach Street Bakery
Author: Jenny Colgan
Type of book: Paperback
Library Book

Synopsis from Goods Reads:

Summer has arrived in the Cornish town of Mount Polbearne and Polly Waterford couldn't be happier. Because Polly is in love: she's in love with the beautiful seaside town she calls home, she's in love with running the bakery on Beach Street, and she's in love with her boyfriend, Huckle.

And yet there's something unsettling about the gentle summer breeze that's floating through town. Selina, recently widowed, hopes that moving to Mount Polbearne will ease her grief, but Polly has a secret that could destroy her friend's fragile recovery. Responsibilities that Huckle thought he'd left behind are back and Polly finds it hard to cope with his increasingly long periods of absence.

Polly sifts flour, kneads dough and bakes bread, but nothing can calm the storm she knows is coming: is Polly about to lose everything she loves?

My Review

Summer seems to have been short and sweet as usual, blink and you miss it. Hopefully you've enjoyed some of the sunshine. I was reading this book in the rain, it was my summer read. After reading Little Beach Street Bakery earlier in the year as part of a challenge to myself to read outside my comfort zone (more here review of first book) I fell in love with the characters and had to read this book.

It did not disappoint. I may have even enjoyed this more than the first as it was less of romantic-comedy style story and seemed more realistic to me. I enjoyed the realism, how life can knock you down and how even people like our Polly can struggle to get back up again (if you'll excuse the cliche). Just as the first book in this series, it was a teary story and a book that I could not put down.

However it was an uplifting read, maybe it's the setting is amazing or the characters who are like old friends, despite the tough times they go through in this book it's still an uplifting read and I will be looking forward to reading the next one: Christmas at Little Beach Street Bakery, I could read books featuring these characters for years!

"Life is Sweet with Jenny Colgan".

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