Sunday, 20 August 2017


Wow, it's been a long few weeks. Just a quick update so you know I've haven't disappeared into one of my books (don't you sometimes wish that you could). So I've been busy with my part time job which decided to become full time-it does that sometimes but lets not talk about that. I had toothache, not nice no sleep and was hard to eat. Get a dentist. But I don't think you want to hear my dramas.
Finding time to read has been tough. I finished 'Summer At Little Beach Street' and reviewed it on here.
I've been trying to decide what book to read next and I ended up choosing these two:

I bought A Pair of Blue Eyes by Thomas Hardy when I was on holiday this year, I read that Hardy met his wife in the area that I was staying (Boscastle) and after reading that I found the book in a secondhand shop right opposite the cottage. I've read a few by Hardy and hadn't heard of this one. I really need to read more classics! If you're a Hardy fan tonight Sunday 20th August they're showing a tv adaption on BBC1 of Far from the Madding Crowd.

I've had A Dance with Dragons for a while, I stopped reading the books to avoid spoilers for the tv show. But it's changed from the books now and they're way ahead, I forgot how amazing George. R.R Martin's writing is and how quickly I get sucked into his books. I forgot what happened in the previous book I shouldn't have waited so long, I wish someone would write a companion guide for the books because there's so much going on you need a guide.

On about companion guides, I've pre-ordered the companion guide to my favourite trilogy ( The All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness.

They're now in production of the tv series which I'm excited about. I'm also thinking of joining up with the real-time read in September. I love this series.
Have to talk about that on my blog one day. If you love witches and vampires and urban fantasy in general you have to read A Discovery of Witches! The fan page of facebook is filling up now because of the tv series (I'm also a member of the Poldark fan club by the way).

 I've finally adding my new page of bookish/literary merchandise so have and look here and tell me what you think and what you love. Maybe I'll have to find a way for people to add their finds too! Thanks for taking the time to read my update, happy reading!

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